POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : How to make an existing object transparent? : How to make an existing object transparent? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:21:21 EST (-0500)
  How to make an existing object transparent?  
From: John D  Gwinner
Date: 30 Jun 2001 19:15:13
Message: <3b3e5d81$1@news.povray.org>

  Sort of a dumb question I think, but here goes:

  I'm trying to use the existing wood textures to build a mock up of an
object.  I want to 'fade' the outside plywood by setting it partially
transparent via animation to show the internal wood structure.  I know I can
do this by playing with the pigments and all, but how can I do it without
changing the library textures (pigments / etc)?

  i.e. something like this

#define seethrough 0.9

  texture { T_Wood2 transparency seethrough }

(I'd vary seethrough obviously).  I can handle all of this but I'm missing
the syntax on how to do the transparency.  (Might be the wrong keyword,
although I did look at the syntax)

  Thank you,

        == John ==

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